Released: Saturday, January 18, 2025
ACTION PLAN 2023 INTRODUCTION In 2023, the services provided by the Server to its members will be maintained and developed. In order to improve services and maintain the Server's finances, efforts will be made to develop funding for activities, including by entering into cooperation agreements with companies. Events for members will be partly free of charge and fees for non-members will be kept to a minimum. In the coming year, projects from previous terms of office will be taken forward. This includes, among other things, the consolidation and expansion of business cooperation. The aim is to improve and consolidate cooperation between the Faculty of Science and Technology and the faculty as a whole through meetings between the faculty and the faculty. Efforts will be made to improve the involvement of non-executive members in the organisation of events in order to keep the whole membership active. Disclamer The english version is machine translated with [DeepL](
Released: Monday, October 2, 2023
Now it's time to dig out your drawing tools or fire up Paint, because the Server jumpsuit design competition is on! Whether you're a skilled drawer or just an imaginative designer, this competition is for you, as you can enter by submitting both an image file and a verbal description of the badge. The prize for the winners is a Server tote bag and of course a jumpsuit badge. The winners will be chosen by the Server's membership and Board of Directors. Entry deadline: 26.9.–3.10.2023 Send your entry as an image file or in text format to materiaalivastaava (at) with the title of the email: Overalls competition. Vote Voting for the jumpsuit competition has started! 🗳️✨ We received a nice number of entries again and the board has already voted for their favourite. Now it's your turn to vote for the badge you would like to see implemented. You have until Sunday 15 October to vote.  Results The Triangle Man (sign 3) again overwhelmingly won the membership vote.
Released: Monday, September 25, 2023
ACTION PLAN 2023 INTRODUCTION In 2023, the services provided by the Server to its members will be maintained and developed. In order to improve services and maintain the Server's finances, efforts will be made to develop funding for activities, including by entering into cooperation agreements with companies. Events for members will be partly free of charge and fees for non-members will be kept to a minimum. In the coming year, projects from previous terms of office will be taken forward. This includes, among other things, the consolidation and expansion of business cooperation. The aim is to improve and consolidate cooperation between the Faculty of Science and Technology and the faculty as a whole through meetings between the faculty and the faculty. Efforts will be made to improve the involvement of non-executive members in the organisation of events in order to keep the whole membership active. Disclamer The english version is machine translated with [DeepL](
Released: Saturday, September 9, 2023
It's time for Serveri student overall order! The price of overalls for Serveri members is €25, and for non-members, it's €45. The overalls are sold through the platform, so an additional service fee of €0.50 will be added to the price. You can try on the overalls at Serveri Koppi from September 12th to 14th, between 11 AM and 1 PM. If you can't make it to try on the overalls, you can find a size chart on the order form. The order form is open to anyone interested, so even older students can order overalls if they don't have them yet. 🐭 The overalls are available for purchase from September 11th to 17th. [](
Released: Thursday, September 7, 2023
Hello all old and new Servers! The Socius & Server exercise class will start again on Thursday 14.9.2023! The shift will take place every Thursday at 17-18 in Block 2 at the Studentia. Each week's exercise will be agreed separately in the Servers & Socius Telegram group - join us all there and let's get moving together! [Link to Telegram group]( You must always register for the session separately via the Sykettä exercise calendar, but the 14 September session is free of charge. In future, you will need to have a Sykettä sticker on either a physical card or a mobile version in order to join the shift. More information: https://sykettä.fi/kuopio/fi How to sign up for a shift: Log in, select Thursday in the calendar and click on our shift (Socius&Serveri -vakio/2) to register for the shift.
Released: Monday, July 31, 2023
MUISTUTUS‼️ Memberships for the academic year 2023-2024 will go on sale on Tuesday 1.8.2023 on Old members, please remember to renew your membership by the end of September to ensure your membership remains valid! New students can also visit to grab their new member membership! But don't worry, if seems unfamiliar, the autumn tutors will help you with and membership purchases as you start your studies! [→ BUY A MEMBERSHIP HERE ←](
Released: Tuesday, June 13, 2023
After a long wait, the new Serveri Ry website has now been launched! Thank you The pages are now published and I would like to thank first of all Jesper, who helped a lot with the project. Without Jesper the pages would not be ready for publication at the moment. Thanks also to Kalle, Amin and Taru for their great work and constructive feedback on the site. Thanks also to everyone else who gave up their time to help with the development of the site! Story of the pages After the course on Data Structures and Algorithms, the Server Ry administration had a big dilemma. There was an interest in coding, but there were no projects. When the LAP course started, the administrators realised that they would not even graduate with a bachelor's degree and had to find something to make money to drink beer civilised with overalls on. Thus, in the darkness of winter, we decided to start a project on web development to secure jobs before the student loan debt crisis, the AI revolution and summer. After a long guess as to what we were going to do, we heard someone talking about redesigning the Server website. This was the idea we had been looking for and we decided to go for it. The admin had just coded up his first dumpster fire and the blood was therefore drawn to new, uncharted waters. The desire to learn new technologies was strong, so we decided to use the Vue/Nuxt.js combo already chosen by the previous sysadmin, Jimi Viita-Aho. This choice turned out to be the right one. The project was progressing nicely and surprisingly quickly at first, until the maintenance manager became a sheep and (had to) take a day job. After that, the project slowed down so much that the pages were at least 3 months behind a reasonable schedule. Fortunately, the site is now at least somewhat in order and development continues! Architecture The site is implemented using modern technologies (too new). The look and feel or **frontend** is implemented with the [Vue 3]([Nuxt.js 3]( combination. It is a modern Javascript framework. Content management is largely implemented using the [Directus]( content management system. Serveri Ry's servers are located in [Hetzner's]( data centre in Tuusula. Questions about technologies and technical solutions etc. can be addressed directly to the Serveri Ry maintenance manager, whose contact details can be found on the [About site](/tietoa-sivusta) page. Want to contribute to the development of the site? Do you see problems with the website or would you like to contribute to its development? The source code for the website is open and available on [GitHub]( and [Codeberg]( As with many other open source projects, the Issue section of the version control is used to submit bug reports, requests and suggestions for improvements. We trust that most students know how to use Git version control, and if you don't, learn, you'll probably need it in your professional life. However, if you are in the early stages of your studies and are not yet fully familiar with Git, you can ask the administrator for help, for example via telegram. Contributing to the development of the site does not require the permission of the administrator or anyone else, you can make suggestions for changes directly by forking the project and making a Pull Request. However, before adding new features or writing any code at all, it is a good idea to create an issue so that we can discuss whether a change is necessary and how it should be implemented. This way we avoid simultaneous work and possible unnecessary changes. If you are or have become interested in getting more deeply involved in the development of the Server Ry infrastructure, you can express this to the maintenance manager. Here are also some resources to make participation as easy as possible: - [How do I participate]( - [How to Git]( - [Oh Shit Git!?]( - [Creating a Pull Request]( - [Creating an Issue]( Sincerely, Serveri ry's administrators
Released: Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Students who are completing a degree and have registered as attending a traditional university or a university of applied sciences must pay a healthcare fee to Kela each term. The 2023 rate of the student healthcare fee is EUR 36.80 per term. Students can pay the fee starting now. In 2023, the student healthcare fee in higher education is 36.80 euros per term. The fee for the whole calendar year, i.e. the spring and autumn term 2023, can be paid at the same time. Students are not billed for the fee but are expected to pay it on their own initiative. The due date of payment is determined based on the date on which the student has registered as attending. For the spring term, the healthcare fee must be paid by 31 January at the latest, provided the student has registered as attending by then. [Pay now]( (