Currently applied rules
The name of the association is the Students of Computer Science at the University of Eastern Finland - Serveri ry. The association is based in Kuopio, Finland.
The purpose of the association is to unite students of computer science at the University of Eastern Finland. and to support their intellectual and material endeavours, both professionally and in their free time. questions. In order to achieve its purpose, the Association shall safeguard the interests of its members by maintaining contacts with other associations, companies and the University's administrative bodies. The association organises various information, presentation and information events. lectures, presentations, discussions and dinners. The association aims to support its members in the following areas studies and study trips related to its field of activity. To support its activities, the association may also receive grants, donations and legacies, to carry out fund-raising activities with the appropriate authorisation, and acquire, sell and own the movable and immovable property necessary for its activities. property, or to engage in any activity directly related to the realisation of the objects of the association, or any gainful activity considered to be of negligible economic value.
The language of the Association is Finnish. Minutes shall be drawn up in Finnish.
The Association is politically neutral.
Members can be:
A member is obliged to inform the Board of Directors of the Association of the information required by the Association Act at all times. changes, but at least every five (5) years.
The amount of the joining fee and the annual membership fee for full members and sustaining members shall be as follows shall be decided separately for each category of members by the Autumn General Meeting. The membership fees for Community members shall be decided by the Board of Directors of the Association. Honorary Presidents and Honorary Members do not pay membership fees. The membership fee set by the Autumn General Meeting must be paid by 30 September each year. This can be found at after this date, the Board of Directors may expel a member from the Association if the member has failed to pay his or her membership fee. member has not paid his/her membership fee. In addition to the membership fee, any membership fee in force at the time of payment will be charged. service fee set by the service provider at the time of payment.
The board is composed of a chairman and up to twelve (12) other regular members as well as at least zero (0) and up to three (3) alternate members, elected from the membership at the autumn meeting. The term of office of the Board is the calendar year. The Board elects a vice-chairman and a secretary from among its members, in addition, the Board appoints a fund manager and other necessary officials. Participation in the board activities of Serveri ry requires a valid membership of Serveri ry.
The tasks of the Board of Directors are:
The name of the association shall be written by the chairman, secretary or other member of the Board of Directors who appointed by the Board of Directors to sign the name of the Association, each individually.
The Board of Directors shall meet at the call of the Chairman or, in his absence, the Vice-Chairman, whenever they consider it necessary or at the request of any member of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall quorate if half of the members of the Board of Directors, including the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman, are present. including the chairman or vice-chairman, is present and at least three days' notice of the meeting has been given to the members of the Board of Directors prior to the meeting or if four fifths (4/5) of the members of the Board of Directors have expressed their willingness to attend the meeting. consent to the meeting in advance. The Board of Directors shall decide on the meetings at its organizational meeting. Decisions are taken by the Board by a simple majority and by open ballot, unless a person wishes a closed ballot. In the event of a tie, the chairman of the meeting shall have the casting vote, except in the case of elections by lot.
The accounting period of the Association is the calendar year. The treasurer shall present the accounts, a written statement of the funds and financial position to the Board of Directors by 15 January following the end of the financial year. by the 15th day of the month following the end of the financial year. The Board, under the direction of the President and the Secretary, shall draw up an activity report. Financial Statements with the necessary documents and the annual report of the Board of Directors shall be submitted to the auditors no later than three weeks before the spring meeting. The auditors shall submit a written report to the a written statement to the Board of Directors at least two weeks before the Spring Meeting. The Board of Directors shall propose the annual accounts and the opinion of the auditors, together with the report of the association's activities to the Spring Assembly.
The convening of the spring and autumn general meetings and extraordinary meetings of the Association shall take place by a notice on the notice board of the Association at least one week before the meeting.
The spring meeting of the association is held in February. At least the following matters shall be discussed at the meeting:
The Association's autumn meeting will be held in November, at which at least the following items will be discussed:
If a member of the association wishes to have a matter discussed at the spring or autumn meeting of the association. to the Board of Directors at least two weeks before the date of the meeting. two weeks before the meeting so that the matter can be included in the notice of the meeting.
At meetings of the Association, each full member shall have one vote. Honorary, supporting and shall have the right to attend and speak, but not to vote, at meetings of the Association. In the event of a tie, the President shall have the casting vote, but in the event of an election, the vote shall be by lot. Voting shall be by ballot. shall be by closed ballot if any member so wishes.
The Association shall celebrate its anniversary on 21 October. The Association was founded in 1987.
To support hobbies consistent with the purposes of the Association and and development of the aims of the Association, members may form an unregistered club or hobby circle, which shall the activities of which the Association shall endeavour to support as far as possible.
The decision to amend the statutes and dissolve the association must be taken at a meeting of the association. by a majority of at least three quarters (3/4) of the votes cast. The notice of the meeting shall state the amendment of the Statutes or the dissolution of the Association. In the event of the dissolution of the Association the assets of the Association shall be used to further the purposes of the Association. in the manner determined by the decision to dissolve the association. If the Association is dissolved, its assets shall be used for the same purpose.
The membership rights acquired shall be maintained.
The form of the Association's emblem and of the decorations and medals shall be decided by the Association's General Assembly. The distribution of the badges is decided by the Board of Directors.
Updated last time: Monday, November 11, 2024