Serveri ry

The computer science students' subject organization of the Kuopio campus of the University of Eastern Finland

What is computer science like?

What do we do?

We act as a link between the university and students, for example by collecting and transmitting student feedback to the university. We offer our student members guidance on advocacy issues and organise extracurricular activities, both independently and in cooperation with other student organisations. We also organise activities with a view to preparing students for the world of work by occasionally taking direct inspiration from companies in the computer science sector, sharing information about opportunities after graduation and thus facilitating the specialisation of future computer scientists.

Servers are legendary fun lovers - in addition to our own hijinks, the Whitefish are known as hard-working hackers and we like to garner questionable glory at student events all over Finland. It's no wonder that Server is known for its great team spirit and awesome activity, not to mention its nerd image!

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Contact us

Microkatu 1 E 24

PL 1627

70211 Kuopio

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