Released: Monday, October 2, 2023 at 9:12 AM
Now it's time to dig out your drawing tools or fire up Paint, because the Server jumpsuit design competition is on! Whether you're a skilled drawer or just an imaginative designer, this competition is for you, as you can enter by submitting both an image file and a verbal description of the badge.
The prize for the winners is a Server tote bag and of course a jumpsuit badge. The winners will be chosen by the Server's membership and Board of Directors.
Entry deadline: 26.9.–3.10.2023
Send your entry as an image file or in text format to materiaalivastaava (at) with the title of the email: Overalls competition.
Voting for the jumpsuit competition has started! 🗳️✨
We received a nice number of entries again and the board has already voted for their favourite. Now it's your turn to vote for the badge you would like to see implemented. You have until Sunday 15 October to vote.
The Triangle Man (sign 3) again overwhelmingly won the membership vote.