Safer Spaces

Safer spaces" is a term used to describe the communal effort to create environments that promote safety. In practice, a safer space involves the student organization and its members taking responsibility for challenging situations. Conflicts are addressed instead of being tolerated.

  1. It is important to be respectful, avoiding any questioning of someone's differences. Handle sensitive topics with care, and ensure that everyone has a voice and is included.
  2. Respect everyone's physical and mental well-being, as well as their right to self-determination. Do not make assumptions based on stereotypes.
  3. Avoid reproducing racist or discriminatory stereotypes, even if intended as "jokes" or irony. Do not harass anyone verbally, physically, or visually. If someone says "no," respect their boundaries and change your behavior if necessary.
  4. If a situation feels uncomfortable, raise it with the organization's board or leadership. You can also give feedback anonymously.
  5. It is important to be respectful, avoiding any questioning of someone's differences. Handle sensitive topics with care, and ensure that everyone has a voice and is included.
  6. It is essential to intervene if you witness racism, discrimination, harassment, or any other inappropriate behavior.

Piia Vilén serves as our harassment contact person at Serveri ry, in her role as the social policy representative.

By participating in the Serveri ry, members agree to adhere to this Code of Conduct and support a positive and respectful community. Any violations of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, up to and including removal from the Serveri ry.

Updated last time: Tuesday, January 16, 2024