Photo related to the events article.

Released: Saturday, October 26, 2024 at 11:04 PM

IlmainenTurvallinen tila

Have you always wanted to know what board members actually do? Are you interested in applying for the board but need more information about the different roles? Or would you like to hear about Serveri's upcoming role-specific board applications?

(Please note: The operating language of the student association board is Finnish. However, everyone is welcome to attend, listen, and enjoy the sauna.)

Welcome on Monday, October 28th, to learn about board activities and to ask questions directly from board members! You can already submit anonymous questions through Instagram stories this week, and we will answer them over time. The event will also provide an opportunity to ask questions anonymously. Remember, there are no stupid questions—even if we may not be able to describe the exact floor plan of Saddam Hussein's hideout.

NOTE! We will be at the entrance until 5:55 PM before the show starts, so please make sure to arrive by then.

Event starts: Monday, October 28, 2024 at 5:30 PM

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