Mid Winter Sliding Festival Afterparty

Photo related to the events article.

Released: Wednesday, February 14, 2024 at 7:27 PM

IlmainenTurvallinen tilaUlkoilma

And next week we go again!

Buns, jam and laughter abound, 🎵 🎵 Ready for fun and frolic, 🎵 🎵

20.2. we will celebrate the Laskiainen afterparties! First we will have a sledding hill in Puijo and then we will go to Sektor's sauna to celebrate, sauna and pizza🥳. OPM (bring your own bottle), OPyM (bring your own towel), OUM (bring your own swimming trunks etc.) OPuM (bring your own sled/skid/plastic bag). The sauna room is available until 23.30, from where it is a short walk to the nightlife of Kuopio city centre 😛 So everyone is welcome to come with us to ski down the hill and take a sauna!

!HOX! If you are coming to the event, please fill in this questionnaire to let us know how much pizza we will reserve for the after party <3 : https://forms.office.com/e/BY4gPwFETQ?origin=lprLink


  • WHAT: Laskiainen afterparty
  • WHERE: Puijo and Sektor sauna
  • WHEN: Tuesday 20.2. from 17.00
  • WHAT: bring your own bottle, towel, swimming trunks and sled or similar!

Event starts: Tuesday, February 20, 2024 at 5:00 PM

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