Valentine's Day event at Kuopio Marketplace

Photo related to the events article.

Released: Thursday, February 1, 2024 at 10:47 AM

IlmainenPoikkitieteellinenTurvallinen tilaUlkoilmaYhteistyö

❄️Hox Hox!❄️

A Valentine's Day event will be held at Kuopio Market on 14 February 2024 from 18-19.00. Yle Half Seven will simultaneously film content for a broadcast featuring this year's winter city, the lively and snowy Kuopio. A large number of students are expected to attend.

During the event, Kuopio Square will host music, a hill-climb, a little-man ski jumping competition, a jumpsuit stamp sale and a student snow sculpting competition. There will also be a limited number of official overalls for the event, so get there early. Welcome!

The event is organised by the City of Kuopio, Kuopio City Centre Development Association, Savotta, ISYY, Kuopio-Tahko Markkinointi and YLE.

Want to take part in the snow sculpting competition?

The competition will be held in teams (3-5 persons/team) The competition starts at 16.30. Time about 3h you have to be still sculpting between 18-19 (between 18-19 there will be a Valentine's Day student event at the market) the snow cube to be worked on is 1,5m x 1,5m the equipment will be provided by the organiser the theme of the snow sculpture competition is Valentine's Day the sculpture must be in good taste the team with the best snow sculpture will be awarded a €200 restaurant gift voucher On Monday 12.2. at 15.00 there will be an information meeting for the teams of the snow sculpture competition, where at least 1 person from each team must be present. The information will take place at the campus of Savonia AMK Microkatu (Microkatu 1, D-part 1 floor).

Register your team for the competition

The 6 fastest registered teams will be entered. The form is maintained by the Student Union SAVOTTA.

Google Forms: enter a team for the snow sculpture competition

Event starts: Wednesday, February 14, 2024 at 6:00 PM

Event ends: Wednesday, February 14, 2024 at 7:00 PM

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