Getting to know board activity -evening
Released: Monday, October 2, 2023 at 10:32 AM
IlmainenTurvallinen tila
Have you always wanted to know what goes on in government? Perhaps you are interested in applying for a board position and want to know more about the different roles? Or do you just want to come and talk about government or meet fellow servers?
On Monday 6.11. you have the opportunity to come and learn about the board and just hang out at Restaurant Malja! The board will be there from 18:00, so come and chat and spend the evening in a relaxed atmosphere!
- WHAT: hanging out and getting to know the association's activities
- WHERE: Restaurant Malja
- WHEN: 6.11. at 18:00
- WHAT: The autumn meeting and election of the new board of directors is knocking at the door
- WHAT TO WEAR: All you need is your usual clothes
Event starts: Monday, November 6, 2023 at 6:00 PM
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