Risse jono

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Released: Monday, October 2, 2023 at 9:21 AM

PoikkitieteellinenTurvallinen tilaUlkoinen järjestäjä

Hiihohoi and soon it will be time again to find out who survives the traditional natural selection cruise! 🛳️🚢

Also this year, After lecture is organising the traditional Christmas cruise for naturalists from 30 November to 1 December.

As usual, our cruise ship is the M/S Baltic Princess, which makes evening sailings from Turku to Stockholm. In 2022, more than 2100 students of natural sciences from all over Finland took part in the cruise. The Natural Scientists' Christmas Cruise, which has been sailing for over 15 years, has established itself as a legendary bilingual cruise for Finnish natural scientists.

This year again, cabins are earned by queuing! The queue will take place in front of Lukema and the distribution of cabins will start on Monday 02.10.2023 at. 7:00. For the queue it is sufficient that one person per cabin arrives. Tickets will be sold by the cabin. In addition to the cabin, at least one meal must be chosen for the cruise. It is not allowed to leave the queue if you do not want to lose your place.

The number of cabins on the cruise is as follows (Kulti, Hyena and Serveri quotas combined):

  • E3 x 3 -108€
  • B2 x 6 -98€
  • B3 x 5 -129€
  • B4 x 12 -164€
  • A2 x 4 -100€
  • APRE (A2) x 4 100€
  • A3 x 5 -138€
  • A4 x 5 -176€


  • breakfast -17€
  • Buffet dinner -40€
  • Buffet lunch -36€

More detailed instructions on how to queue for cabins on the Christmas cruise. ⬇️ The queue for cabins is in the immediate vicinity of Lukema. Cabin allocation starts on 02.10 at 7:00. The queue will work as follows: when you arrive, take your number from a plastic bag on the table in the "courtyard" of Lukema and at 7:00 a.m. the booking of cabins will start in the order of the numbers.

‼️Yksi person can only book one cabin and one person can only hold one number. One person will therefore book a cabin and meals for 1-3 cabin mates.

No sleeping during ‼️Jonotuksen. It is also not allowed to leave the queue with a ticket to go home or anywhere else, but the queuers must stay in the immediate vicinity of Lukema.

‼️Jonottajat supervise each other.

👀 Registration is binding.


  • What: rissejono
  • Where: at Lukema
  • When: 02.10.2022 at. 7:00
  • Why: RISSE

Event starts: Monday, October 2, 2023 at 7:00 AM

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