For a new student

Warm congratulations on securing your study place and welcome to studying in Kuopio!

New students in Computer Science embark on a long and challenging, yet highly rewarding journey towards earning the titles of Bachelor of Science and Master of Philosophy in Natural Sciences.

Starting your studies brings along a vast amount of new information, and some of it may slip your mind. That's why we have compiled a checklist for you, the new students, also known as "fuksi," to help you kickstart your studies.

New Student checklist

  • Remember to register as present and pay the membership fee to the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) by August 31st.

  • The YTHS (Finnish Student Health Service) fee is also mandatory and should be paid separately to Kela (the Social Insurance Institution of Finland). Make sure to take care of it.

  • It is advisable to read the Smart Start guide from the Department of Computer Science and check out the instructions for new students on Kamu, the university's intranet.

  • Join a member of Serveri ry.

  • Join Serveri ry communication channel:

  • Follow Serveri ry on social media Instagram and Facebook

  • Get a student card.

Student card

With the student card, you prove your student status so that you can get student discounts. By showing your student card, you are entitled to buy a student-priced lunch in student restaurants.

Physical student card:

The student card serves as proof of your student status and allows you to access student discounts. You can obtain a physical student card, for example, through Frank, with a cost of 25€. There is no difference between physical and electronic cards other than the issuer and possibly some variations in discounts. An electronic card or other form of identification is accepted at exam venues.

After you have received your physical student card and paid the ISYY membership fee, you can pick up the academic year sticker from the ISYY office, which is renewed on your student card every autumn.

Electronic student card:

All options free at the time of writing (spring 2021)

International student card:

With an international student card, you can also enjoy discounts while traveling abroad.

International cards are purchased through Frank. Both physical and electronic versions are available.

Good to know

  • Serveri primarily communicates its events through Telegram, but also on Instagram and Facebook.

Other useful information

  • Sykettä, offers sports services for higher education institutions if you're interested in engaging in physical activities. During the first weeks of studies, you can often try these services for free.

  • Serveri's sports shift

  • ISYY the website of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland, for more information for new students.