Serveri ry, the Kuopio Computer Science Students' Association, is organising its annual IT Recry Day at the UEF Kuopio campus, in the Snellmania 2nd floor lobby and SN200 auditorium. Recruitment Day is an event where representatives of IT companies present their companies to students. The companies will tell you about their activities, how they work and about possible job vacancies, for example.

After the presentations, the companies will answer further questions at stands in the Snellmania lobby. So it will be interesting and effective networking.

Serveri ry will provide coffee and snacks during the break. After the official part of the event, the day will end with a recruitment sauna, which is expected to be attended by company representatives!


Aika Häppeninki
12:00 Aloituspuheenvuoro, tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos ja Serveri ry
12:15 Workshop, Juulia Amanda Coaching - Arvolähtöinen ura -minivalmennus
13:00 Break 30 min
13:30 CGI
13:45 Innofactor
14:00 Siili
14:15 TietoEvry
14:30 Wapice
14:45 Efecte
15:00 OP
15:15 Ponsse
15:30 - 17:00 Stands
18:00 - 23:00 Recruitment sauna



WHERE AND WHEN: 23.1. from 12 to 17 at UEF Kuopio campus, Snellmania and from 18.00 onwards at sauna.

For whom: All those interested in working in the IT sector and IT gold seekers!