Student overalls order 2023

Released: Saturday, September 9, 2023 at 8:01 AM
It's time for Serveri student overall order!
The price of overalls for Serveri members is €25, and for non-members, it's €45. The overalls are sold through the platform, so an additional service fee of €0.50 will be added to the price.
You can try on the overalls at Serveri Koppi from September 12th to 14th, between 11 AM and 1 PM. If you can't make it to try on the overalls, you can find a size chart on the order form.
The order form is open to anyone interested, so even older students can order overalls if they don't have them yet. 🐭
The overalls are available for purchase from September 11th to 17th.